Lioness S02 (TV)

– the renamed follow up to Special Ops: Lioness remains a gripping military thriller, but possibly because the bar has been lowered so far. The testosterone and general aggression of the entire cast – not to mention the jingoistic American propagandising – grows tiresome quickly, the story arc is implausible at best and doesn’t feel as cohesive and well thought through as its first season either, the rehashing of various story beats (work vs family tensions, Cruz crushing on her targets) is uninspired, and most of the set pieces feel overwrought (a handful of US soldiers fighting off armies…) Much like Assassin’s Creed dumped the pretence of the stealthy assassin in favour of general sword swinging, this has abandoned its strategic, suspense based premise in favour of gun blazing shoot outs. It’s an inferior show as a result.

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